Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Girl dying from Leukaemia Saved by HIV

This is a very interesting procedure being conducted at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.


Peace and Love

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2 Unlock

**FREE UNLOCK** For Samsung Galaxy S3 and Note 2 - ALL GSM
***Deal belongs here because Galaxy Note 2 unlock code on ebay is >$10 ($24.99)***

=====ALL Credits to Owl74 on XDA-Developers=====

This is confirmed by myself to work on the AT&T Galaxy S3 and AT&T Galaxy Note 2 ....and it is reported to work on ALL VARIANTS of GSM.

I am posting it publicly to give where credit is due, and to KILL the ebay profits, specifically ebay Item: 321033698090

Please do not profit off someone elses' idea and ebay this info like the Joker in the auction above

To unlock your Galaxy S3 OR NOTE 2:

Just dial the following keys *#197328640#

Main Menu > [1] UMTS > [1] Debug Screen > [8] Phone Control > [6] Network Lock > Options [3]Perso SHA256 OFF > (after choosing this option, wait about 30 seconds, then go back one step by pressing the Menu button then select Back, now you are in [6] Network Lock then choose [4] NW Lock NV Data INITIALLIZ ..... wait for a minute then reboot your phone... enjoy!!!

standard disclaimer: I am not responsible if you don't follow directions and what you do with your phone...
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Peace and Love